My guestroom, if you've ever seen it, is really a 'guess whats in there' room. Now that we've done the nursery the guest room seems well neglected. I know we are going to have guests for a few weeks once the baby girl gets here. Including Jason's parents for two weeks at the holidays.
So, It is my mission this weeks to get all the inspiration i can to set this room up, get everything organized, and 'giterdone'. I know i'm not going to get the budget for new furniture, so I'm looking at up-cycling what i have. i'm going to buy new sheets and duvet covers off of eBay and see what I can do to make it a beautiful and livable room.
wish me luck- I'll keep y'all posted.
Here are my inspiration pieces so far.

I'll be searching your blogs and sites too. if you have inspo for me, please help. To be Updated tomorrow.
love, AmyK